You know, I like panther, too. I really do. Drinking makes me like panther more. He is one of those pricks that we can put up with because he is able. He is capable. I would bet his father was much too hard on him. I would bet he is a success in life. He isn't very patient. I would bet he has at least one divorce and maybe two. No more as he seems young, yet. He wants to be wanted very much but he pushes away anyone that has authority. He makes GREAT picks. Panther is an enigma...which is why he has implicitly threatened violence to many and yet remains. I find that interesting. We really...most of us, do like panther and want to see him continue with us. He likes us too, and that is what is funny. His inability to get along and his desire to go against the rules is tolerable because, again, he has his strong plusses. At the same time, panther, if you read this...your perfectionism and drive come from an abusive environment. You don't have to pass that along to others. Most people don't realize what makes panther who panther is. At the same time, keep fightin the fight and fightin the MAN and don't get booted cuz I like your picks and I'm a leech. But, I'm a leech with taste. By the way, panther...i've got a BIG ASS BLUE DOT for ya!!!! tulsa